Sunday, September 09, 2012

Mustang Ranch

The new wheels -- pic by blogSpotter

by blogSpotter

For today’s blog, we’ll take a trip to the Mustang Ranch… Mind out of the gutter! I refer not to the infamous Nevada bordello but rather my own garage.   I’ve recently purchased a new "race red" Mustang and it resides there now as part of my two car collection.   I’ve kept the Toyota RAV4 for my more adult moments.  So far, both vehicles fit (and get along) nicely in my garage.

My car is the basic V6 model (no Cobra or Shelby going on here).  The V6 is plenty nice, comes very well equipped.  It has “Microsoft Sync” and also a semi-Standard shift if I choose to use it.  One might ask why a man in his mid-50’s needs such a car, and I have some trouble answering that myself.  There are 1,000 practical reasons not to buy it. 

I began my trek looking for a new SUV to replace the 2001 RAV4.  Must elaborate, the RAV4 has done nothing wrong, it’s just a little worn.   As I made the rounds at various dealerships I found myself getting a terrible case of the yawns looking at the boxy, bland offerings there are.  My RAV4 looks better than the new one to be honest.  I found myself humming “Is That All There Is?”….  Then the new breed of domestic muscle cars (Mustang, Camaro, Challenger) caught my eye.  My 16 year-old alter ego said "buy, buy, buy" but the bean counter inside me quickly produced a mile-long list of reasons not to buy my pony dream car.

Reasons not to buy the Mustang:
  1. I could remodel my kitchen and put in a sprinkler system for the same price.
  2. It’s a lot more car insurance (but not double the amount) 
  3. There will be twice as many inspections and oil changes.
  4. My previously spacious, empty garage has to be reorganized to make room.
  5. The Mustang cannot comfortably seat anything more than two adults.
  6. It's too beautiful to park anywhere
  7. etc etc
I’m so practical, I’ll practical myself to death .. the above reasons will always be obstacles to the teenager inside me.  Back in 1979, I was denied a new, blue Mustang due to a funds deficiency – I was $500 short and the parental units wouldn’t kick in.  At 54, I’m now my own parental unit and I say, “Yes, you may buy that car”.

To the first group of nay-sayers who tell me it’s a mid-life crisis car, I have to say it's more of a mid-life enhancement.  I'm not experiencing a crisis, I'm just deferring my grown-up years a little bit more.  I never acted my age and this is no time to start.  To a second group who think of me as extravagant, I must say the car was less expensive than the RAV4 was 11 years ago; it’s the basic, entry-level V6 model.   

Last of all, let me approach car songs of pop culture: Pink Cadillac, Little Red Corvette, Mustang Sally.   Notice that these songs evoke American wheels in bright colors.  It’s not:  Beige Lexus,  Little Silver Mazda or Mitsubishi Sally.  Those songs wouldn’t play on the radio.  And neither will they play in my driveway.   If you’ve finished judging the impracticality of my purchase, then maybe you’re ready for me to “take you for a ride in my coupe”.  Minus the sexual double entendre of course.  

© 2012 blogSpotter

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