Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Biden Here to Stay

He ain't going anywhere but maybe the White House - Picture courtesy of Wikipedia
by blogSpotter

“If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”. That piece of Texas wisdom is handily ignored by so many people... I’ve recently seen a handful of articles where people hope or speculate that Obama will replace Joe Biden as his 2012 vice presidential candidate. A couple of them have been diehard Hillary fans (“pumas”) and one of them is ultraconservative columnist Mark Davis. In each case it seems, they want to replace Biden with Hillary Clinton.

Where to begin on this? Let’s start by pointing out that Joe Biden has done nothing wrong. If he is guilty of anything, it’s too much exuberance and a smile that shines at too many kilowatts. He hasn’t stepped in the cow patties that Dan Quayle did in the early 90’s – he hasn’t even molested the English language or foreign policy the same way George W. Bush (the actual President BTW) did in his two terms. Biden has certainly made some minor gaffes… he fittingly described Obamacare as a “big effing deal” when the legislation was signed. He didn’t know the microphone was so sensitive. Some people think that Biden’s support of gay marriage somehow forced Obama’s hand on the same issue. I doubt that’s the case; also if Obama dumped Biden now, it would look altogether punitive and cancel out his progressive stand on marriage equality.

To Hillary Pumas everywhere – get over it. Obama won, and that was four years ago. Do some yoga, EST or whatever zen meditations it takes for you to get over this loss. It’s a near certainty that a woman will be POTUS or VEEP at some point – that point is just not now. Please keep your response to one which is simple and measured, not a reflex that puts feminism ahead of all else. Obama being the first black POTUS probably trumps having a first female. Europeans have blazed all around that territory with Margaret Thatcher, Angela Merkel and others. Our arrival there will be less remarkable from here forward anyway.

Mark Davis, I don’t know what to say. He is a sworn enemy to Obama and any suggestion he makes to or about Obama’s campaign is suspect. Is he purposely making a stupid suggestion and hoping that Obama’s team will bite? There’s really no telling on that one. Biden has done nothing worse than silly gaffes that any of us might do if we’re constantly being followed, quoted and cornered into interviews. Even an on-his-toes extrovert will occasionally misspeak. Obama has sometimes misspoken (though never seriously).

Mark Davis did point up something in his “Ditch Biden” article…Davis admitted it would show a huge lapse of loyalty, cause a circling of wagons and create gross nastiness where none is called for. Obama shouldn’t change horses in midstream – it wouldn’t be prudent. O’man’s shakiest relationship is with the White Male constituency, gosh that includes Mark Davis. By ditching Biden and taking on Hillary, he’d be eschewing a needed wing man for someone who already represents a solid Obama fan club (liberal white females). Biden is white-male enough to be the perfect balance for Obama's ticket. Biden has been a great Vice President and should continue to do so in the 2nd Obama term (should Obama get his 2nd term).

To you pumas out there – take a couple of chill pills. Your day will come, be patient at least for now. For ingenuous, conservative commentators out there (listening Mark?) – keep your malarkey to yourself or share it on the FOX network where nobody progressive is watching anyway.
© 2012 blogSpotter

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