Family Guy Butchers a Cat
This aired on 4/19 ... -- Picture courtesy of FOX
by blogSpotter
I’ve been a fan of Family Guy for several years now. I’ve loved the fact that nothing is sacred, they tackle all taboos. I even referenced them in my most recent blog about Texas. I’ve blogged about them twice before, with one admonition that they show too much animal cruelty – one episode showed a sheep after it’s been half-eaten alive. Up to now, the shows have shown violence to farm animals, and the violence is implied not shown on-screen.
Imagine my surprise on the 4/19/2009 episode when they showed Peter Griffin kill an innocent cat (Quagmire’s pet) with a straight razor. In this “gag”, it’s supposed to be a prank where Peter is shaving the cat. But he kills the cat and then jokes about it, even holding up the animal’s severed foot as a “lucky cat paw”. The barbarism of this scene sickened me enough that I had trouble going to sleep. I abhor violence – even semi realistic cartoon violence.
Cats have long been battered, demonized and destroyed in movies and TV shows. In the National Lampoon Christmas movie, one was electrocuted. In a King of the Hill episode, a cat was portrayed as a screeching, hissing monster. Cats screech and hiss with about the same regularity that dogs go for the jugular – it’s a very rare defensive behavior. That actually should be beside the point, because wanton cruelty to defenseless animals is never justified.
When I looked at various FOX TV forums covering the 4/19 show, I was amazed to see this kind of pattern …
o Roughly 80% of respondents didn’t even mention the cat – they focused on the “A” plot about decriminalizing marijuana – how could the cat not register??
o Roughly 10% of the respondents (almost entirely men) thought that the scene was hilarious – they never saw anything funnier
o Roughly 10% expressed vague concern that it might have gone too far and “cat people” might be upset
Apparently Seth MacFarlane, the series creator has a problem with cats and cat owners. He portrayed the cat as blandly impersonal, like a gerbil. The “joke” was that cat ownership caused Quagmire (usually an insensitive, macho playboy) to turn into a “crazy cat person”. It wasn’t enough for Macfarlane to slur cat owners or imply that cats have no personality, he had to butcher one also. Did MacFarlane just have a difficult breakup with a woman who loves cats? That might add insight to such a horrible script.
In a complex world, it’s sometimes hard to peg good and evil – I’m still not sure about the various players in Pakistan or Bosnia/Herzegovina. In human affairs sometimes we have gradations of evil. But cruelty to animals is a different thing entirely. There is a warm place marked in HELL for people who are cruel to animals, do not pass purgatory , do not pass “Go”. Family Guy didn’t dismember a person or a dog – that would’ve gotten calls and letters. They casually and cavalierly dismembered an innocent cat and then laughed about it. It would’ve been remarkably inappropriate even if it were a mouse or a toad.
I sent my concerns to Dallas Fox Affiliate KDFW and also left a comment on series creator Seth MacFarlane’s Facebook page. I’m rather amazed that the voice actors and other series employees didn’t object when this plot line was advanced. Just amazed. Family Guy creators – beware of the bad karma you’ve just heaped upon yourselves.
© 2009 blogSpotter
Labels: Society, Television
Seth actually owns a cat, so I doubt that any of them has something against cats or cat owners!
I'm not convinced of anything -- a cat lover wouldn't have written that script, or gone along w/ it.
My own emails got no response from KDFW or FOX network, contemplating FCC.
I say go for it. Contact FCC. That scene WAS wrong. It could have been handled in a much better fashion than it was.
FCC? You've gotta be joking!
I personally didn't find the scene any worse than lot's of other stuff on The Family Guy (they push limits on purpose). If you did, by all means do contact the station, network or producer to voice your disgust, but the FCC is just silly. They broke no FCC regulation, or other law, for that matter.
I just looked -- AFA, Cafe Moms and some other group have posted FCC complaints against almost every Family Guy episode this season. What's one more complaint in the pile? I will say politics makes for really strange bedfellows. I'm open minded on many things, just not torturing cats.
The biggest recent draw for FCC complaints was an episode where Stewie ate cereal with horse semen instead of milk? Never saw that one.
After one bad, unfunny episode after another, Family Guy was teetering on the verge of dropping off my shows to watch altogether. Then this cruel scene with Quagmire's cat comes along. As I witnessed the scene unfold, my tabby purring away contentedly next to me, I was overcome with nausea and horror. Luckily I managed to get to the remote and switch channels.
Goodbye Family Guy. I'll try to remember as you once were when you were actually kind of clever.
This episode is believed to have inspired a real slashing of a cat the day after this aired:
Am not at all surprised by the slashing-- look at all the young guys that have been influenced by shows like "Jackass".
I noticed in the Family Guy forums that a lot of people use the word "dude" -- I think I must be quite a bit older than most of the people who watch that show.
I lost respect for Family guy seeing this episode. And now I'm done watching Family guy all together.
I removed my 'Family Guy' screen saver and also skipped buying the 'American Dad' vol 4 DVD.
Can't say I relate the humor or intellect of someone that thinks violence to animals is funny. Also complained to FCC; they have a huge backlog of complaints and may take months for any kind of response. Not expecting a whole lot from that...
It's good to see so many people are on the same wave length of being offended by Seth's constant torture of cats recently. I was angered by his cat scenes in the American Dad episode not long ago too. It's all well and good that its only a cartoon, but the fact of the matter is unfortunately there are too many horrible cat haters out there that get ideas from stupid gags like this.
And the hare and tortoise scenes nearly had me crying!
TV and movies need to be portraying cats as they really are, as loving, affectionate animals when treated with respect like they deserve, not hissing, angry ferals. Then maybe we might be able to turn some of those uninformed cat haters and prevent some torture!! :_(
"He portrayed the cat as blandly impersonal, like a gerbil."
What? Gerbils can be just as personal. =__= You mean to say that killing gerbils in this fashion would have been better?
Anyway, Family Guy had always pulled stunts like this, so what makes a cat killing different?
You guys are over-reacting. Did he /really/ kill a cat? No. It's just a cartoon.
Get over yourselves.
There are some unwritten rules about cartoon violence, that can make it almost palatable.
1) Resilience – the character having violence done is not killed, maimed or permanently disfigured by the violence. Thus, Wyle E Coyote falls off a cliff and is back at it in the next two frames.
2) No blood – Daffy Ducks hold a stick of exploding TNT, the only thing you see is his bill spun around to the back of his head. No blood, no guts, no screams. You may see momentary distortions in the character’s figure but it’s cartoon-like.
3) Hubris – Many cartoon characters are essentially human characters with an animal façade. Like Wyle E or Daffy, they sort of have it coming – they aren’t victims so much as perpetrators. Even in these cases you feel OK about it because they’ll be right back for the next gag.
Family Guy broke every one of these rules. They permanently killed the cat, they showed blood and a severed body part, they did it to a character undeserving in any way. It was basically a kitty “snuff” film.
I looked the other way when American Dad slaughtered a calf. I also looked the other way several times on Family Guy when Lois was beaten so bad by Peter that her neck appears broken or her legs are pointing backward.
Violence isn’t funny except maybe to a retrograde person. On the Simpson’s Homer is a hopeless boob, but we love him. On Family Guy, Peter is now very nearly a psychopath – there is nothing to love, comedic or otherwise.
I was upset by it more than anything I have seen on Family Guy. So people can say "get over it", but there's something about torturing cats on TV, whether cartoon or not, that really gets to me. Perhaps it's because it hapens so often that I wonder why so many people are so sadistic towards them.
American Dad had an episode where a seemingly sweet cat kept attacking Steve just when Steve thought the cat was pining for affection. It bothered me but had a lot more humor in it.
I can understand that cutting a cat (or any animal) to pieces is horrible, but reading through these comments I see a lot of people taking this too far!
If you don't like it, look away. I love watching Family Guy (and also American Dad)... There are many things I really disagree with in the show, but there are many things I find funny. If I disagree with what is on, I'll either look away or turn it off. No need to complain about one little thing as if it's something huge!
So, there are more important things to complain about.. like the millions of children that die because they can't afford to eat.. Use your time to blog and complain about that! It's much more important about the "death" of a ficticious cat.
I've watched "Family Guy' three or four times over the years at the urging of friends and acquaintances who think it is a clever and edgy show. Clever? Jonas Salk discovered a vaccine for polio. That is clever. Edgy? Maybe, but so is the obnoxious 15 year-old in one of my high school classes who spends his waking hours clamoring for attention.
I agree with Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart who defined obscenity as "I know it when I see it." I think "The Family Guy" falls into that category. It is definitely one TV show that has no socially redeeming value.
Just by the fact that this episode was the caused of a real cat dying in such cruel way, is enough to call this "little thing" huge. Is it huge. It costed an innocent creature its life. Life is not a little thing. I watched in horror when it was aired and I immediately drop it from the list of shows I watch.
Here's why you guys are acting like fascist, fundamentalist, censorship-prone dickheads:
If you censor anything, if you conspire with the FCC on anything, you are a worthless fucking scumbag. I don't care what kind of crazy parasite is making you do it.
Just to make things clear, you are debilitated by a cat parasite that makes you into an irrational and dumb fascist.
I did not think it was that big of a deal. Seth is actually a cat owner, so I do not think he has a thing against cats. He has made comments that his irritates him for occasionaly leaving "presents" for him on the living room floor that he has to clean up...but I do not think the man or any of his 14 other writers really have a personal agenda against cats. How many times has Brian been hit, ran over, knocked out, beaten up and so on...?? It is a cartoon people. Don't like it, change the frickin chanel..that simple.
It's called freedom of speech folks. Groups who hate freedom and want to control what others say are whining to the FCC (which is quite arguably an agency created in violation of the 1st amendment). If YOU don't like Family Guy, then turn the channel.
With respect to the rumor that this episode "caused" or "inspired" someone to actually kill a cat, I call BS on that. People! Let's start holding individuals RESPONSIBLE and ACCOUNTABLE for their actions and stop blaming it on everything from "Family Guy" to "Marlyn Mansion"!!!
I've noticed a huge amount of animal violence in season 5 of American Dad especially.
As a cat lover myself, I have one thing to say on this:
"It's a CARTOON.."
Honestly, it's not real. What are you getting all freaked out about? We're from a generantion - Hell, our PARENTS are from a generation that grew up with Cartoon violence as a staple diet.
What exactly are you griping at here? I mean really, to complain about this one sketch, is to complain against them all.
Let's heckle for heckles sake, right?
Lemme ask you something: Did you watch Tom and Jerry as a kid? Looney Tunes? many other simmilar cartoon that are aimewd at a younger audience feature this kind of cartoon violence - what you deem "cruelty to animals" all the time.
Family Guy is NOT a childs cartoon. It's not aimed at a younger, impressionable audiance.
It's aimed at an adult one. One that's supposed to ALREADY be aware of what is right, and what is wrong. And capable of making their own decisons on such things.
So what then are you getting at? I dunno able you, but I at least am well-adjusted enough that a cartoon is going to have little impact on my general behaviour.
You think I wouldn't lamp someone if I saw them tormenting a real cat?
Bottom line is, it's entertainment. And sometimes, it's not supposed to be funny. Sopmetimes it's about making you think, and question yourself, and the actions of others.
Who knows what Seth was thinking when he scripted that sketch. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't just:
"Hey this'll get a laugh or two.."
The guy's pretty smart, y'know? You think maybe he knew it'd provoke a response? lol
Well, whatever. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and all that. And as I said above, you can make your own decisions.
Just be a little more tolerant before you label something as "demonizing" in future.
Family Guy used to be funny, with an occasional great musical number thrown in and clever pop culture parodies.
Now it just seems mean spirited and over compensating for it's own previous cancellation by trying to be "edgier" and caustic for the sake of cool.
I love "Family Guy", but obviously I don't support some it's more extreme elements. There was a while there when every other joke was about rape. Some of them were funny and some weren't.
Being a cat owner, I too was fairly staggered by the rather brutal killing of the cat. But I had laughed my head off when Bugs Bunny had his neck rung, and when Stewie beat Brian to a pulp and then set fire to him, when Liddane's boyfriend was left in the car boot, when Stewie killed "new Brian", and when etc, etc, etc.
It's "Family Guy". I'll get over it and then keep on watching.
I own a cat. You people are over-reacting. It's just a cartoon. If you cant handle the content you should go back to watching Barney & friends. I'm sorry but last time i checked there is a reason for the veiwer discretion message at the beginning of episode.
Parents these days... they buy their kids "M" rated video games, let them use the internet freely and let them watch shows they shouldnt be watching like Family Guy.
Next thing you know, the people who are trying to entertain us are under fire for Parental inadequacies and a few people who over-dramatize completely FICTIONAL things.
Yeah, killing a cat is bad; but if you are able to handle mature content, you will realize that its not REAL.
Why is allowed to happen on the air much less? It's disgusting and down right cruel. Way to go "Family Guy" look what you are teaching the public...Unbelievable really, will not watch anymore, and will make sure everyone I know will be aware of what this show does.
Family Guy can go to hell! Sick bastards.
"Yeah, killing a cat is bad; but if you are able to handle mature content, you will realize that its not REAL."
REALLY??? Maturity has nothing to do with it.
and knowing it is not real has nothing do with it either.
It can be very influential to a young mind or already disturbed mind.....SERIOUSLY THIS KIND OF THING IS SIMPLY SICK!!!
Are you saying the life of a cat in a cartoon is worth more than life of a gerbil in reality?
If the cat was an anthropomorphic jerk like new brian. If he acted like new Brian did, like manipulate Quagmire away from his friends, I would have been fine with that, but no, they break into Quagmires house, Disturb the cat's resting spot, Butcher him in the cruel estate way possible. There's a difference between a cartoon cat & a real cat. I felt so bad for Quagmire. I wished he beat the shit outta of Peter the American way he beat up Brian for sleeping with his father.
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