Friday, July 20, 2007

What is the Meaning of is?

Senator Vitter -- Can the GOP think pure thoughts? -- Picture courtesy Wikipedia

by blogSpotter
I was already shocked and appalled by Republican Senator David Vitter’s admitted dalliance with the DC Madame. My mind reeled from the fact that he had a diaper fetish. This man was a man who emphasized family values and who fought to impeach Clinton over moral turpitude. The hypocrisy is amazing – it rivals the chutzpah of Mark Foley.

Now comes another scandal – it seems Florida Republican Representative Robert Allen was just arrested for solicitation of (male) prostitution in a public restroom. This Robert Allen had just sponsored a Public Lewdness bill to assign heavier penalties to those doing “the deed”. The fact that these men were acting on various kinks and fantasies is not so very alarming – it’s a free country after all. The fact that these men were selling themselves as Family Value Paragons is another matter. If the Republican Party continues along this path, they will be the “Do As I Say, Not As I Do” party.

Now, Clinton was technically impeached for lying to Ken Starr about a personal sex question. Much was made of the fact that Clinton split hairs over the definition of “is”. Let’s say that Vitter or Allen were backed into a prosecutorial corner and asked, “DID you wear diapers as an adult?” “DID you offer to give oral sex in a men’s room?” “What IS your answer?” How would these men respond? They would probably respond by questioning the meaning of the word “is”. (People being people after all).

I just read in another blog where Larry Flynt may have in mind to out some other lustful legislators. If ever there were a group subject to blackmail it is this roster of people. I have some suggestions for these sinning Senators, but I must reach into my bag of platitudes:

• Live and let live.
• Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
• To thine own self be true.

Now there is probably not even a liberal, open-minded politician that could survive a diapers disclosure or a “tea room” arrest. But if they were honest with themselves, these two men might find self-actualization in something other than conservative politics or furtive sex acts. When you follow along with my above platitudes you can: be who you are, like who are and make no apologies to anyone.

Amazing how that works, but both these men are from the Deep South where you can be zapped hard for all your moral transgressions, especially of the sexual variety (is there any other variety?). I can only wonder, hereon when listening to a Republican, what IS he hiding. What IS he doing on nights and weekends? Guess it all just depends on the meaning of the word “is” after all.

© 2007 blogSpotter



Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: "When you follow along with my above platitudes you can: be who you are, like who are and make no apologies to anyone."

I agree. Conservatives need to stop harping on "family values." If you truly have them, there should be no reason to go around trying to prove it.

If you don't ascribe to "family values," then nothing of the sort will be expected of you.

Liberals learned that a long, long time ago. That's why they are rarely condemned for any sexual entanglements they get involved in. It's no big deal.

Even though Clinton was impeached over actions relating to his proclivities, it was no surprise to anyone because he never claimed to be a saint and it only added a small asterisk to history.

Conservatives make themselves sitting ducks for incidents like these. They also make it difficult for other conservatives...and liberals who do value moral character. Unfortunately, the hypocrites come to represent everyone in the group.

Those who set themsleves up for a big fall, usually will.

Who will be next? Will it be Dr. Phil?

3:03 PM  
Blogger blogspotter said...

As soon as a politician harps too much on sex, he becomes suspicious. He "protesteth too much". Now I'm wondering Ken Starr's private proclivities.

If the GOP hadn't been party-snatched by the Religious Right, Republicans wouldn't have to be walking such a ridiculous line.

9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my favorite line of all time:

The Religious Right is neither!!

2:58 PM  

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