Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Mongoose and the Snake

DeLay tells all -- Picture courtesy Wikipedia

by blogSpotter
I saw a TV nature special once, where a mongoose faced off with a venomous snake. The rat-like mammal was able to subdue the snake in his jaws, without sustaining any poisonous bite. These vile animals in their face-off made me think of Texas Republicans.

What is it about Texas Republicans that makes them extra cheesy and thug-like? All I have to do is think about Phil Graham or Tom Delay to give myself a bad case of the willies. It seems now that ex House majority whip DeLay is in a verbal feud with ex majority leader Dick Armey. DeLay is known for his K-Street fund-raising and his Vladimir Putin style strong-arm tactics. Armey is known for his "Contract with America" as well as calling Congressman Barney Frank "Barney Fag". These two men have served at our displeasure and now, in semiretirement, seem to be duking it out with each other.

In his recent autobiography No Retreat, No Surrender, One American's Fight, DeLay described Armey as "drunk with ambition". Armey in reaction has described DeLay as sneaky and conniving. Armey very accurately assessed DeLay’s words as "the pot calling the kettle black". Three cycles thru the dishwasher could not scrub the black off of this pot or this kettle. DeLay believes that Armey sold out their 1997 "coup" attempt to unseat Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the House. The truth is that both men behaved reprehensibly; it would conserve what little dignity they have left if they didn't fight with each other. But, we the readers would be denied this fun exchange.

Armey talks trash about DeLay -- Picture courtesy Wikipedia

Republicans of every bent are mulling over why they lost the 2006 midterms. In a more constructive mode (think Chuck Hagel, John Warner) they try to figure where they might need to shift priorities or align with the vox populi. These guys might actually help us ramp down the Iraq War. But where is the entertainment factor? We need some more memoirs to surface. I think the only fun that may be had is when Karl Rove gets subpoenaed to discuss his role in "AttorneyGate" -- the recent, politically instigated firing of 8 federal prosecutors by the Attorney General. That's another blog.

What's interesting is that when DeLay and Armey air the dirty laundry, they speak the truths that the world needs to hear. Armey says that DeLay used social wedge issues like flag burning and gay marriage to drive his ethically challenged agenda. No truer words were ever said. Too bad it takes a slug fest for the truth to come out.

© 2007 blogSpotter



Blogger Rob said...

hey, why are you insulting mongooses? (mongeese?)

9:22 AM  
Blogger blogspotter said...

Also, I never said which one was the mongoose and which one was the snake.

It doesn't really matter. You wouldn't want either one as a pet. :-)

10:42 AM  

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