Monday, June 26, 2006


Don't let the screen door hit ...

by blogSpotter

There is buzz now that Connecticut's Senator Joe Lieberman will receive a large Republican backing in his 2006 senate race, even though he's running as a Democrat against Republican Alan Schlesinger. Lieberman has already received the endorsements of conservative talk show hosts Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly. Lieberman has also incurred the wrath of Democratic party pillars like and Howard Dean.

Lieberman, an observant Jew, is a frail man with a bad comb-over -- the man who probably took half the wind out of Al Gore's 2000 campaign as the Vice Presidential nominee. Lieberman's biggest claim to fame on the national stage is that of Clinton Admonisher -- the Democratic Senator who publicly chastised Clinton for his indiscretions with Monica Lewinsky. Gore's selection of Lieberman was a failed and cynical ploy to appease Democrats morally affronted by Clinton's behavior. The ploy failed for simple reasons: Lieberman has a dry, dull speaking style, and all the charisma of a folding chair. Also, Democrats were more affronted by an anemic turn-coat than by a philanderer.

There is more. Lieberman has achieved prominence by supporting Bush's Iraq incursion, and tearing down some of the wall between church and state -- the wall which keeps America from behaving like the religiously torn Middle East, by the way. He's also been associated with video game regulation, which many equate to censorship. Lieberman's stands are conservative enough that they have earned him a moniker like "Dino" (Democrat in name only). He ran as a presidential nominee in 2004, thinking that he would ride the conservative 'wave' only to be shut out in the first five primaries. Imagine that so many people fail to find the man credible or interesting.

There has now been talk of Lieberman switching over to the Republican Party -- the GOP loves him. Well Joe, just follow that "Joementum". Just don't let the screen door hit you on the way out.

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