Sunday, June 11, 2006

Conservatism's Dominatrix

Ann Coulter -- the Girl Can't Help It

by blogSpotter
"I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo." - Ann's column December 21, 2005

This is one of hundreds of quotes coming from conservative author Ann Coulter. She's touched nerves on a number of topics over the years. Try this quote about conservation:

"The ethic of conservation is the explicit abnegation of man's dominion over the Earth. The lower species are here for our use. God said so: Go forth, be fruitful, multiply, and rape the planet — it's yours. That's our job: drilling, mining and stripping. Sweaters are the anti-Biblical view. Big gas-guzzling cars with phones and CD players and wet bars — that's the Biblical view."

The latest tempest, following, is from her comments about 9/11 widows on NBC's Today Show 3 days ago:

"They were millionaire widows and they were using their grief in order to make a political point while preventing anyone from responding."

This latest volley, while hardly her worst, has caused a torrential backlash from other commentators. Many of these commentators are conservative. They must fear that Ann will make them look bad as a group. Her words are cruel, mean-mouth words -- the words of a harpy. People in polite society shudder at the thoughts so forcefully expressed. Why can't Ann be nice? Does a girl such as her even want to be nice? As Molly Ivins would say, "nice" is a pallid virtue; “nice” does not garner viewers, readers or headlines. There are a couple of things to say about Miss Coulter. With her short skirts and extreme sassitude, men are secretly turned on by her. As Cosmopolitan magazine once pointed out, men will decry a 'bitch' in daytime and dream about her at night. The very things about Ann that veer from Pollyanna correctness are what make her fun, unique and exciting. She's anything but nice, and lots of men are OK with that.

Now obviously, a second group also likes her. That group is the liberal commentators who have a golden, glistening target at which to aim. Some conservative writers are careful in their wording and cannot be easily cited. William Buckley and George Will come to mind. Some conservatives dilly dally with politically correct euphemisms and delicate phrases. The thing to love about Ann is that she doesn't dilly and she doesn't dally. She lays it on the line. Some people just can't handle Ann’s unvarnished 'truth'. Those people have to get over it. Just let it be known -- there is a growing fan club for Miss Coulter. She’s that crazy dame with the wicked tongue. Look at what she said about her own sex:

"Women are not as bright as men, have no capacity to understand how money is earned."

Does she risk enraging her own sex? That's quite all right; she has a large fan base among men; she won't need the other sex any time soon.

© 2006 blogSpotter.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Much the same could be said about Micheal Moore....

7:14 AM  
Blogger blogspotter said...

I actually like Ann; (might be hard to tell from the blog, since I said she's a harpy w/ a wicked tongue). I admire that she says what's on her mind.

As for sex appeal, Michael Moore is without it (unless someone is a yellow-journalist-chubby chaser).

6:49 AM  

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