Friday, March 10, 2006

The Ides of March

A Bad Day at the Senate

Today, I'm like the weather -- partly cloudy. Am looking at some previous blogs reflectively. On "Time Waits for No One", a friend thought I was overreacting to a really bad photo of myself. It doesn't take a bad photo (and most of mine are bad) to make me think dark thoughts. But -- it probably did inspire me just a little. "Bad Vibrations" is just an answer to the many who think I'm manic. I'm now off of coffee and tea while I do dental whitening for one month. If I become as laid back as Steven Wright the comedian, I'll know it was coffee to blame all along.

"Has Bush Gone Soft" (pardon any entendres) is still a relevant topic. The Bush Administration is sure we've now alienated Arab business. Dubai pulled out of the port deal yesterday, thereby avoiding a showdown in Congress -- one that would've been extremely embarrassing to Bush. Time will tell if UAE and Arabs are willing to shut off a profitable market to show anger or spite. We need to reduce dependence on Middle Eastern oil -- not just talk about it. Maybe this will get the ball rolling. With "A-Hunting We Will Go", several other bloggers pointed out that Mary Matalin was wearing a piece of costume jewelry, a broach, that looked like a large satellite dish. How could I ignore such a blogworthy detail? Cheney himself is an uncharismatic, emotionally constipated person, and is just a little more in the doghouse with the American people than he already was. Possibly, the hunting accident was "much ado about nothing" although talk show comedians are still milking it for lots of laughs.

I finished scanning "Where the Right Went Wrong" and I'd like to write my own title about where that book went wrong. Buchanan can handily minimize the concerns of whole demographic groups. He decries Islamic imams and caliphates, but then would turn right around and create equivalent, Christian "caliphates" in America. What would be a more interesting book coming from him, is what his idea of a perfect world would be. One has an unsettling feel that it would never be one that celebrates any aspect of diversity, to any degree.

And so it goes -- the Ides of March are approaching. Politics, polls, and current events can be moody and change just like the turbulent sky. We live in an interesting time, and one which offers newsworthy events on a daily basis. Every once in a while we have to take stock of what's happening -- in weather, politics and maybe with the blog author himself. :-)



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