Thursday, October 20, 2005

Does Laura Miller Hate Dallas?

I have no problem with the Hunts

Laura Miller has generated lots of controversy over the years. She’s the mayor of Dallas, a bastion of conservatism. She’s also a very intelligent ex-journalist, of liberal bent, and that certainly sets the stage for some Dallas Council fireworks. Laura has accomplished several things over her tenure that I actually agree with. Those include the panhandler ordinance, smoking ban, and human rights clause for city employees. Agree – agree – agree.

But now it’s time to disagree. As mayor of Dallas, she needs to shed her yellow journalistic tendencies and put on the hat of civic promoter, champion of all things that increase tax base, tourism and the profile of our fair city. A common thread of Laura’s testiness is that the wee people (and she isn’t one) shouldn’t be subsidizing the projects of uber-capitalists. In principle, I would agree, but city governance is only loosely allied with principles. The fact is, large-scale urban projects almost always call for up-front tax abatements. Companies can pack up and go if we don’t play along. The long range benefit to tax base and city development more than compensates for the give-away to rich people. In city governance, we don’t select absolute good versus absolute evil – we select the lesser of evils. Now where has Laura given me pause? Let me count the ways.

1) American Airlines Arena – as a council member, Miller fought vociferously with Ron Kirk over this. The Arena is now a prime moneymaker and beautiful addition to Dallas. It forms the hub of Victory Plaza, which is now getting multi-use developers as well as a new “W” hotel. Please note: the ONLY crane on our skyline is this hotel being built.

2) The Dallas Cowboys Stadium at Fair Park – Technically, Dallas County dropped the ball on this one, but Miller damned it with very faint praise – in fact mild condemnation. A champion mayor would have seen this through. It would have helped revitalize South Dallas, Fair Park and even Downtown. Now Arlington gets the jewel.

3) Reunion Arena/Hunt Building – This is the same song, third verse. Don’t give money to those nasty Hunts or those greedy Perots. Problem is, the only development opportunities we have are with these Devils of capitalism. I say give them their money now, and let God judge their selfishness later on. In the meantime, the citizens of Dallas get a new Office tower on Woodall Rogers; the tired ugly 70’s prefab looking Reunion Arena gets replaced with a Trinity Entertainment complex.

4) George Bush Library – Laura Miller has recommended that it go to University of Dallas in Irving. The obvious choice for Dallas (of which she’s the mayor) would be SMU, across from Mockingbird Station. The Hunts are closely allied with SMU. Reportedly, she has such a grudge against the Hunt family, she’ll do anything to thwart their goals including this one.

In sum, Laura has let Ivory Tower fantasies and personal grudge matches confound her logic. Dallas has a lot of potential right now. We have several adjacent areas that leverage off one another: Victory Plaza, Downtown, Uptown, Fair Park and Old East Dallas to name a few. Make one area shine, and others will enjoy the reflection. Build it – and they will come. Do you hear me Mayor Miller?

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Blogger Rob said...

I've lived in North Texas for 11 years now. Every single time I've watched the news I've seen another example of why I'm glad I don't live in Dallas.

11:49 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

I've been here for 14 years and have this to add: They only group that rivals the Dallas City Council is the Board of the DISD. Must be something in the water.

10:18 AM  

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