Saturday, April 03, 2010

Of Idiocracies and Tea Parties

Don't say how would it be -- Picture courtesy of Wikipedia

by blogSpotter
Today, I very belatedly watched Idiocracy, Mike Judge’s hilarious speculation about a future in 2505 where humans have devolved somewhat into gross, belching, rutting, fast-food noshing, low-IQ pigs. The world of this future is overrun with mountains of garbage, technology is on the blink and rampant commercialism has taken over. A hick mentality prevails and people who use big words are accused of “talking faggy”.

This blog doesn’t have that many readers, so maybe it’s not such a risk here … If you’re from a suburb of Dallas, quit reading now -- you will surely be offended. That is because Idiocracy is NOW -- it’s evident in the ‘burbs of Mesquite, Garland and Irving. It’s not a speculative (note faggy word) future, it’s the corpulent, lard-choked, material-lusting world that we already have in most of Texas. Of course, Idiocracy pushed things a tad further for satire, but not much.

We don’t water our crops with Brawndo sports drink (yet!). We do mishandle our water resources and subject our future agriculture to the vagaries of feudal Texas-style politics. We don’t routinely drive off of uncompleted freeways or occupy condemned buildings but nothing pointed out seems very far off the now-or-future mark. The blinders-mentality of the idiot future also called to mind the Tea Party of the present.

Our own slice of idiocracy -- Picture courtesy of Wikipedia

The “Tea Party Movement” began in 2009 as a populist, ant-tax, anti Big Government protest movement. It quickly was hijacked by the likes of Dick Army and the John Birch Society. Then as if peanuts weren’t enough, some cashews, pecans and filberts were added to the nut mix: 9/11 deniers, militia men and birthers (who refuse to believe that Obama was born in Hawaii) all strutted their nut stuff at various tea party events. When Health Care reform came to a vote, these throwbacks were yelling the N- and F- words to members of Congress as they walked to Capitol Hill.

What would it be like if people of low IQ out-reproduced smart people and took over the show? We don’t have to use conditional phrasing, it already happened in much of the world. As the human race stumbles into the future, we occasionally take a step forward thank God. Who knows how the final mix will (or should) look. If we can learn to quit killing each other over religion and money, and if we can emphasize the collective good over individual aggrandizement -- we might have a shot at a non-idiocracy. It all remains to be seen.

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