Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Money, Money, Money

If you're so smart, why aren't you rich? Posted by Hello

My Father was a very bright man - he was a mathematician and taught calculus at the Air Force Academy, among other places. He could give any proof, axiom or postulate at the drop of a hat. He also had a pretty good handle on physics, chemistry, history and philosophy. My mother would ask him (partly in jest, partly in earnest), "If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?" He never had a good answer and was slightly annoyed at the question.

We were decidedly middle class. We drove a 1965 Plymouth Belvedere (circa 1969), lived in base housing and rationed our money pretty carefully. We were the last officer's family on the base to get a color TV, in 1969. So... why weren't we rich? I myself am a pretty smart guy ;-) and am not rich, not even upper middle class.

Built into the question is an assumption that wealth, per se, is the highest good and the necessary end result of innate goodness. But I would care to phrase it differently. Wealth is just one of the possible happy byproducts of a life well-lived. The King Midas types, that spend all their time dealing in stocks, bonds and megamergers are not any kind of role model for me. If someone has truly made the world a better place, and coincidentally, picked up some money while they did it, good for them. I wouldn't begrudge ex-Beatle Paul McCartney his money. Many people loathe Bill Gates, but Microsoft Windows did change the face of computing and he has donated to many foundations and charities. But if all someone has done is amass a fortune, and look after it with uncaring avarice, he's really set a negative role model.

Now, what jobs leave an impact? How about public school teachers, social workers, soldiers in Iraq, registered nurses and such. They make a sacrifice in personal serenity if not the ultimate sacrifice and make very little money. Artists and journalists color our world with insights, yet frequently make poverty-level income. Are they dumb schmo's or people who maybe see a system of different values? I sometimes shop at "Half Price Books" and the sales clerk is a very bright man. He knows all about philosophy and classical music; can give you a review of any book. He's middle aged, not just doing it as a college job. Is he a lazy schlub or maybe just looking differently thru the prism of life?

I've often thought that the men who run much of our government and private enterprise are preening egotists in their $2000 suits and 5-series BMW's. I imagine a company where you take a CUT in pay as you move up the corporate ladder; as company CEO, you get throttled down to $20,000/year. Thus you trade perks for power, but a power that is separate from any material trappings. I can dream on. Humans will never devise this kind of company, but perhaps God himself already has. He who has the most toys doesn't win anything but a lot of toys. In closing, let's turn the question around. "If you're so rich, why aren't you smart?" :-)



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