Thursday, January 06, 2005

A Lookist Vegetarian


I'll start off by saying that I strongly support animal rights. I give lots of money to shelters, humane societies and yes, even PETA. Don't agree with all of PETA's tactics, but I figure animals need at least one extremist group to point out the issues, and piss off the establishment.

Talk to me about how Koreans kill cats and dogs for food, and I become pallid with shock. How can you kill Cocoa and Muffin for food? It seems barbaric. But then, about five years ago a woman brought two trained pigs onto "Jay Leno". Their names were Bacon and Pork Chop. They were cute and exhibited dog-like fealty and intelligence. They followed their owner, wagged their tails, and put their ears back. Not long after that I watched a Blue Bell commercial where a young girl was leading a cow down a trail. The cow looked serenely happy and was trusting of the girl. I threw down a gauntlet then and there: I will no longer eat the meat of sentient, feeling, trusting mammals. I was also tipping the scales at 200 pounds, so cutting out red, high fat meat made sense dietarily also.

With birds and fish, I've thrown no such gauntlet. They're further down in the taxonomical tree, and are mostly incapable of tail-wagging expressions of love. White meat and omega fats are good for the body. My brother termed my new diet restriction as "lookist vegetarianism". I was basing the decision on how the animals looked and behaved. I can't argue there, though I'd like to have something more solid to base it on. "Lookism" is a term I encountered in a politically correct usenet group. It is the callous behavior of someone who selects a date, in part, based on how they look. (Imagine that!)

At the other end of the spectrum are ants and cockroaches. I think nothing of spraying insecticide on ants, and stomping on every other roach I see. These are animals too, although they have exoskeletons and blown up to our size they would look like space aliens. How to explain these inconsistencies? To be sure, there are PETAns that won't step on a roach or eat fish. I can only say that my reactions are "lookist" in the extreme. Whether it's dating or eating.

My friend Eric further complicated things by saying chickens can show affection; he once had a hen that would roost lovingly on his shoulder. For now, I dispel such images. I would have to say goodbye to Popeye's and it can't be done. I will put forth a couple of ideas though. PETA is right in lobbying for humane farming and slaughter house conditions for all animals that are eaten. And if my conscience ever extends to lower rungs on the ladder of life, I'm open to a more Hindu approach (eat nothing with eyes). But for now, grilled chicken and blackened fish will remain on the menu.



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