Sunday, April 24, 2016

Adios Amigos

A treasure trove of opnions Pic by Trebor

It’s Been Real

Faithful readers (all two of you?) I’m bringing this blog to a close. It started in January of 2005 and I've created hundreds of articles across the years on many topics. The output is probably enough to constitute a Russian novel. At the outset I had high hopes – was thinking I could even make this a profitable ezine with sponsor links.

Anymore, I’m lucky if the blog gets 10 hits in one week. Sponsor links yielded pocket change and were more trouble than they were worth. I’m not certain they would be worth the bother even on a busier blog.

If I had concentrated on a specialty area instead of zigging and zagging all around, I might have developed a following on something, who knows? I’ve been too opinionated without ever having that modicum of credibility and authority that one needs to sustain readership.

Just haven’t gotten the interactions and interest I hoped for. Haven’t had a reply comment in about 4 years. I showed the blog to two “men of letters” and neither one had any real advice or guidance to contribute. I made one reader angry with my leftward rants and have never heard from him again. One reader got promoted up to a senior level and I’m quite certain he has better things to do now. Yet another reader offed himself – cutting his wrists in a bathtub. I’m sure it was unrelated to the blog content, but still.. Not good.

I think the blog URL was probably leaked to managers at my office and the overriding concern there (understandably) was that article development be confined to weekends and evenings. Message received.

The Road Ahead

I’m not giving up on writing. I’m a bad cook and I’ll keep making those questionable dishes. I’d like to blog much less frequently on more significant topics. The opinion blog will move to a new URL or hosting site. Would rather that coworkers not be a main source of readership. Also I would like to dabble in some creative writing. That may be website-hosted or it may just be kept in DropBox, who knows. If anyone would like to stay current with my activities please feel free to email me at

The blog will stay out there probably until BlogSpot goes out of business or takes it down. I’m very appreciative to the small cadre of readers who engaged me for a very long while. Take care and God Bless.

© 2016 Snillor Productions



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