Sunday, December 16, 2007

Trying on Mitt Romney's Flip-flops

Romney1 790px-Maroccflops
Romney and his footwear of choice -- Pictures courtesy of Wikipedia

by blogSpotter
Mitt Romney was grilled by Tim Russert on Meet the Press today. “Grilled” is the right word because Romney was well cooked by the time Russert was finished pointing out all of Romney’s U-turns and flip-flops. First, Russert pointed out that Romney had accepted Bob Jones’ (of Bob Jones University) endorsement. Jones is a strident evangelical Mormon basher and Russert thought it curious that Romney was so desperate for endorsements. Romney tried to give it a white wash but the unseemliness still showed thru it all. Romney also had a well-publicized meeting with the President of the Mormon Church in 2005 to seek advice on running. Russert asked if Romney would seek similar advice as President, and Romney denied that he would.

Small aside to Christians, who like Bob Jones consider Mormons to be members of an unworthy cult. It is true that the stories about Joseph Smith's encounter with an angel named Moroni, and such are laughable and implausible. Christianity is also a cult – albeit more widespread, longstanding and successful. Actual historical recordings of Jesus’ words and actions, much less his miracles are very scant. His very existence is sketchy, and the leap of faith to Christianity is as big as the leap across the rocky creek to Mormonism. Glass houses, stones, you know the rest.

Now, back to Romney. He has apparently flip-flopped on every major issue since 2005. In fact, other candidates carry a pair of flip-flops as a prop when talking about him. He was pro-choice in 2002, and would now like to overturn Roe versus Wade. He was for gay civil unions as Governor of Massachusetts, and now supports a national marriage amendment. He has also flip-flopped on gun control, immigrants, and stem cells. His changes of opinion were fairly recent and very much oriented towards a presidential run. His nickname in Massachusetts was Fifi (Fee Fee) because he levied lots of fees. Now he is stridently against any tax increases.

Russert pointed out all of these inconsistencies – most caught on filmed interviews as recent as 2006. Romney tried to laugh them away or say, “a man can change his mind.” This man has apparently changed out the whole man. When congressman Larry Craig, a Romney supporter, had his problem in the men’s restroom arrest earlier this year, Romney threw him under the bus without so much as a eulogy. A nobler man might give his cohort to a chance to defend himself, and refrain from dissing him on TV. It’s not such a big deal by itself, but taken with the other facts it becomes worrisome.

Last item to mention – Romney is very photogenic. He has model looks and what Dilbert’s Scott Adams calls “senatorial hair”. Now look at three of the “generally agreed” best overall Presidents: Washington, Lincoln and FDR. None were particularly good-looking. They served up policy not GQ style. Now lets look at three of our better looking Presidents: Ulysses Grant, Warren Harding and yes, maybe, George W. Bush. What we can make out of this correlation is that looks are probably not a good thing to go by, even if the less beautiful man hurts your eyes during the State of the Union Address.

Romney is probably not the man of choice, and it has nothing to do with his religion or his good looks. It has everything to do with his flips and his flops.

© 2007 blogSpotter

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Blogger Craig said...

Great article, except for the dig against Christianity needlessly dropped in the middle. The analogy doesn't hold.

12:20 PM  

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