Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Pelosification -- 2006 Election Recap

Pelosi, First woman Speaker of the House -- Picture courtesy Wikipedia
by blogSpotter
On the Today Show this morning, host Matt Lauer had a strained, ersatz smile on his face. As he hashed out the details of last night's Democratic House victory with Tim Russert, you could tell that the perennial, preppy Republican was unhappy with the election results. There was even more oddness when RNC Chairman Ken Melman said, "I like Nancy Pelosi and I look forward to working with her". Mr. Melman must have felt like he was eating major crow to have to utter those words any day of his life.

Fact is, last night's results were not a landslide. The Dem's picked up @ 30 seats for a slim majority, and the Senate is still in play with Virginia and Montana probably to get recounts in the next couple of weeks. But the pundits are right -- this election is a rebuke to President Bush and his cronies. George W. Bush is factually, not just arguably the worst president we've ever had. By numbers alone (daily cost of Iraq war, Iraq war casualties, national debt), the damage done by this administration is astounding. Something had to be done to slow Bush down. How much more havoc could we let him wreak upon the environment, the national debt, privacy rights and international diplomacy? Congress can't override his vetoes or anything, but Bush's wrecking ball will have to strike now from a five degree, no longer a forty-five degree angle.

One woman who will help to slow the wrecking ball is Nancy Pelosi, first woman to be Speaker of the House. This 66 year old mother of 5 is from a liberal district in San Francisco but grew up in Baltimore. Both her father and brother have been mayors in Baltimore. Republicans have depicted Pelosi as a "bitch from Hell", even finding some scary black and white images of her for campaign ads. If in fact she is a B from H, she's very much needed to counter balance the SOB from H that occupies the Oval Office. I don't know Pelosi, maybe she really is scary. We need her to scare some sense back into the Republicans. Official elections for Speaker of the House will be held on Jan 4th, at which point she could be deposed, but pundits say that's a long shot. People close to her have said that she will lead from a position of moderation and restraint which would probably be in everyone's best interest.

Now back to Bush. I often wondered what would happen if an average man like my Orkin man became president. What if we put a man in office full of prejudices and half-cocked ideas, not especially bright or thoughtful? Well that day came in January 2001 when Bush took office. Bush has shown what happens when a small man is overwhelmed by the office, too small for the chair. If truth be known, Bush is probably secretly relieved by these election results. He can offload just a little bit of the responsibility to Congress, a Congress that surely wants to bring our nation back to balance and sanity. Bush, take a breather -- two years of gridlock would be a welcome respite from what we've had. Nothing is preferable to something, when something is so very, very bad.

© 2006 blogSpotter.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read My Lips... We Are Going to Get What We Deserve From The Midterm Elections!

The votes are in -- and the Democrats are claiming that the results are a referendum on a failed Iraq policy and an evil administration full of nitwits and sluggards. Mark my words -- We, as a nation, are going to reap what we have sown in this election.

The mere fact that Nancy Pelosi will become the Speaker of the House is extremely dangerous for anyone who doesn't consider "conservative" a vulgar word. Pelosi's intent is to radically force the darkest aspects of the gay agenda on America, along with the continued and uninterrupted murder of millions of unborn children (through abortion, partial-birth abortion, the morning after pill and embryonic stem cell research) and open borders where all aliens, criminals and derelicts can easily enter the US. Groups like NARAL, NOW, NAMBLA, HRC, the NEA, Planned Parenthood and Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) must be peeing their pants with excitement over the Democrats win last night.

Pelosi will also likely push for trumped-up impeachment charges against George Bush, as well as criminal prosecution of Donald Rumsfeld. She is secretly, but definitely, trying to work her left-wing liberalism into the White House, where she can openly promote her nazi-esk feminism to Americans.

Barring some scandal that runs her out of office, Nancy Pelosi alone will set into motion events that will hurt this country for generations to come. Add to the mix, the likes of Howard Dean, Charlie Rangel, Hilary Clinton, John Murtha and other far-left extremists. It hurts my heart to know that the mass media accomplished its goal.

Conservatives should be ashamed for not showing up at the polls and voting their beliefs and values. We will indeed reap what we have sown.

9:45 AM  
Blogger blogspotter said...

I don't share Charlie's take on things, but thank him for sharing anyway.

Just realized that Texas rep Joe Barton will lose chairmanship of the Energy Committee. That's a shame, but that's what happens when a state is doggedly, one-sided Republican. If we ever had something like BALANCE, elections wouldn't be a total wash for one side or the other.

11:12 AM  
Blogger blogspotter said...

To quote Edwin Starr, "Good God Y'all". All I did was go to lunch, and when I came back, Rumsfeld had resigned. I already did a blog on this a couple of weeks ago. Will hold off for now. This is all 'political overload' to quote my coworkers. I may have to take a sedative and lie down.

RR :-)

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


First of all, congratulations to the Democrats in pulling off their mid-term victories.

The party out of power always talks about the advantages of a split government. It will be interesting to see what takes place now that has occurred once again. The last time brought gridlock. But that is not so bad. Thomas Paine said, "That government governs best which governs least." I tend to agree.

Not since 1994 has a sitting President been so helpful in setting up defeat for his own party. In retrospect, Republicans only have themselves to blame - and they seem to be doing just that.

When Democrats lose it's because voting machines do not work properly; voters are intimidated at the polls by having to present registration cards - resulting, of course, in the "disenfranchisement" of blacks; voter fraud; Republican-owned voting machines, etc. When Republicans lose, they accept defeat and take their lumps introspectively and are done with it.

Many Republicans lost by razor-thin margins that could easily have been contested. When was the last time a Democrat lost and did not threaten litigation or at least contest the results until the votes were counted and recounted again until enough votes were eventually discovered (or created) to achieve victory (i.e. 2004 Washington State governor's race)?

The main lesson learned here is on how to lose: Accept it, get over it and move forward.

By the way, why is it that blacks and other minorities are always intimidated by having to show voter ID? When was the last time an Anglo voter was intimidated by that basic requirement?

Another question: In order to vote in the United States, one must be a citizen. In order to be a citizen of the United States, one has to prove that he or she is literate in English. So why are ballots in English and Spanish? Do I really wonder?

6:04 AM  

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