Sunday, September 24, 2006

Is Bush the Devil?

Bush on Air Force One -- Photo courtesy Wikipedia

by blogSpotter
Before I broach the title topic, I have an off-topic sidenote. Just figured out how to display iPod photo slideshows ands videos on my TV screen. All that was needed was a $19 AV cable, and some patience to understand that (1) it works only w/ the video iPod, not the nano and (2) you must set 'TV out' to ON. The guy at the Apple store was going to have me buy an entire home entertainment kit for $99. For a 'gee whiz' type of experiment, $19 is a much better price. But I digress...

Is Bush the Devil? Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela suggested so last week in an address to the United Nations. Charles Rangel and Nancy Pelosi used it as a political opportunity to show that they're red-blooded patriots in spite of extreme liberalism. They sharply denounced Chavez. I myself will entertain thoughts from any source, and pondered ... what would an actual Prince of Darkness do, masquerading as President? Here are some things ...

o He might propose torture. The Great Satan might even propose doing away with Article 3 of the Geneva Convention, thereby opening the gates to Hell all the way. We torture you ... and oh, a footnote -- you can torture us too.

o He might propose full-scale eavesdropping and wiretaps. The Devil is nothing if not inquisitive for knowledge. Even if his methods are ham-handed and wrong, the ends pretty well justify the means.

o He might prevaricate (that's a $10 synonym for 'lie') about mass destruction weapon's threat to start a war that Neocons have been chomping at the bit to fight for 10 years.

o He might run up the national debt, robbing Peter (our grandchildren) to pay Paul (ourselves). He's nothing if not short-term and expedient in all his calculations. The Prince of Darkness trades thoughtful strategy for immediate gratification of one sort or another.

Now, one other thought about Satan. Satan can probably pronounce 'nuclear' and he has a certain method to his madness. Bush can't enunciate even simple words -- paging Professor Higgins. Bush has really shown few fox-like qualities -- no real mendacity or shrewdness. His six years in office are more like watching a 15 year old boy drive a stick-shift muscle car for the first time, without Driver's Ed. He has bumbled and bumped and bruised everything in site. Bush isn't the Devil or even a demon -- he's an unfortunate historical event, unfolding before our eyes. I don't know of any real 'dates' on which to focus, for when W gets out from behind the wheel. January 1, 2007 -- this date signifies Bush's last year to get much done. 2008 will be consumed by the noise of a new election and 'where Bush went wrong'. Devil, no. Boob, yes. Now in the meantime --- maybe an iPod video can distract me from the sad spectacle on our political stage.

© 2006 blogSpotter.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, you sure seem to know alot about personal attributes of the Devil. Is this where 'Takes one to know one' fits in, or is it 'Whoever smelt it delt it'? I get those confused.

I almost got another tattoo this weekend. But wait, I digress. I wore my 'I [heart] Hot Moms' T-shirt to a Reggae club in south Dallas yesterday and got some good feedback. But wait, I digress.

I agree, Bush is just a boob. Hey, talking about boobs - I'd rather see Jenna's boobs than W_boob.

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The premise is a perfect example illustrating why liberals are losing ground with the average voter. I know liberals who no longer speak to me simply because I am politically conservative.

Some liberals have moved so far off the spectrum that their political beliefs affect everything they think and do. I suggest that this innate hatred for Bush has become pathologic and may seriously require the same type of psychiatric intervention that was required of some Democrat voters in Florida after the 2004 election loss.

Unfortunately, the only probable cure will come on January 20, 2009 when President Bush leaves office, though the withdrawal symptoms may be worse than coming off heroin since it will be cold turkey.

In the meantime, I'm afraid that the condition will just get worse as the House and Senate will more than likely remain in Republican hands after the mid-term elections in November even though many Democrats have deluded themselves into a takeover.

The only thing keeping these individuals from attempting to remove Bush from office - one way or another - is a President Dick Cheney.

Keep up the good work. It's always nice to have a paper trail when going back to the drawing board. Just ask James Carville.

8:12 AM  

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